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I fr I ITHEFTHE WASHINGTON StAS IINTON TIMES SUNDAY 3EAY AY 6 1906 11J lOOKING t oKINGTo1N oKINGTo1NIN TO WIN WINININ IN IN SIXTH QYTU oiAlil niQTRIPT DISTRICT DISTRICTDemocrats DISTRICTDemocrats Uiolmul UiolmulDemocratsDemocrats See Chance in inLowndesPearre inLowndesPearre inLowndesPearreLowndesPearre Fight FightSHANNON FighttsHANNON FightHANNOSHANNON HANNO N LIKELY CANDIDATE CANDIDATEConceded CANDIDATEtConccded CANDDATEIConccdedConceded That Senator Would Make MakeStrong MakeStrong MakeStrongStrong Run for Seat in inCongress inCongress iniiCongress CongressCUMBERLAND CongressCtTlIBERiAND CongressCUMBERANDCUMBERLAND Md May 6Apropos 6Aproposof 5 Apropos Aproposofof the LowndesPearre fight in the Sixth Sixthdistrict Sixthdistrict Sixthdistrictdistrict of this State in which the pres present present present ent Congressman Con essman was worsted looms loomstip looms1p loomsbytip 1p the possibility of a Democrat going goingto goingto goingtoto the House of Representatives at atWashington atWashingtonWashington from this Republican Republicanctronphold Republicanetronlhold Republicanstrongholdstronghold next fall The likely candi candidate candIdate candidate date Is tho present State Senator John JohnB JohnB JohnBB Shannon ShannonTho ShannonThn ShannonThnThn reasons for taking an optimistic optimisticView optimisticIcw optimisticvView v Icw of Snannons chances although ho hohas hohas hehashas not AS lS yet et announced his candidacy candidacyare candidacyare candidacyareare several It was Shannon who upset upsetII upsetall upsetallall II Republican calculations some years yearstago Jearsego yearsttago t ego tgo by b being elected register of wills for forAHegany torAIIegany forAlleganyAHegany county defeating one of the thostrongest theI thestrongestI strongest discover Shannons popularity partic particularly partlcu1arh particularly ularly In Frostburg and Lonaconlng to tosay toea tosaysay ea nothing of Cumberland carried the theday theda thedayday da for him His next political achievement achieve achievement achleement ment was his defeat of former State StateSenator StateSenator StateSenatorSenator David Dick for reelection last lastfall lastfall lastfallfallSuccess in Reducing Coal Rates RatesAt RatesAt RatesAtAt Annapolis Shannon bent all his hisenergies hisnergies hisenergiesenergies to the passage of a bill to se secure secure secure cure better coal rates for tho Independ Independent IndependJnt Independent ent ion ionTheThe bill was aimed at the Cumberland Cumberlandand Cumberlandand Cumberlandandand Pennsylvania and the Baltimore and andOhio andOhio andOhioOhio railroads and he had the satisfac satisfaction satlsfactlon satisfaction tion of seeing it passed after a 0 stiff stifffight sUn11ght stiltlightfight fightMerry 11ghtJderry light2ierryMerry LowndesPearre Fight Goes On OnThe OnThe OnTheThe fight being waged by Lloyd LloydLovndes LloydLot1des LloydLoLovndes Lo nudes Jr of Cumberland against agalnatCongressman againstCongre againstCongressmanCongressman Congre sman George Geor e A Pearre for the theRepublican theR theRapRepublican R Rap 1Jbllcan nomination goes merrily on onShe onihe onTheShe reappointment of Dr Ravenscroft Ravenscroftasas Surveyor of the Port by the Presi President Prcsldent President dent last week will probably block the theplan theplan theplanplan to have Reno S Harp appointed appointednaval appointednaynl appointednavalnaval officer Congressman Mudd has hasformed hasformed hasformedformed an alliance with former Con Congressman Congrossman Congrossman grossman Jackson to work against ihc ihcefforts ir irefforts iiieffortsefforts of Colonel Pearre to have Harp Harpappointed Harpappointed Harpappointedappointed As Congressman Wachter Wachtcralso Wachteralso Wachteralsoalso has a candidate for the office and andas andlS and1sas many Republicans are anxious thatex1layor that thatexMayor thatexMayorexMayor Malster the present incumbent Incum Incumbent Incumbent bent be reappointed Mr Pearro will willhave willhae willhavehave his hands full fullMr tu11Mr fullMrMr Harp Is being talked of as a a Con Congressional ConTessional Congresslonal gressional candidate and the fight be between between between tween Lowndos Lownd s and Pearre might result re reeult reeulteult In a situation that would woul allow allowFrederick allowFrederick allowFrederickFrederick to name the candidate instead insteadof Insteadof Insteadofof Allegany AlleganyHO AlleganyNO AlleganyMiHO Mi SMALLPOX t MALPO EPIDEMIC EPIDEMICFEARED EPIOEMICFEAREDFEARED FOB HOSPITAL HOSPITALInstitution HOSPITALInstitu PITA PITAInstitutionInstitution Institu on for Women Now Thought ThoughOut ThoughtOur ThoughtOufOut of All Danger of Disease DiseaseSpreading DiseaseSpreading DiseaseSpreadingSpreading SpreadingNoNo additional cases of smallpox de developed deeloped developed veloped at the Columbia Hospital for forWomen lorYomen forWomenWomen up to a a late hour yesterday and andthe andthe andthethe situation there which for a 0 time timebecause timebecause timebecausebecause of tho discover by the Health HealthDepartment HealthDepartment HealthDepartmentDepartment of three casos of the dis disease disease disease ease among the colored patients assum assumed assume f ed the proportions of a mild epidemic epidemichas epidemichas epidemichashas quieted considerablyFor considerably considerablyFor considerablyForFor a time some anxiety anxlet prevailed as astoIto to the probability of the infection infectionspreading Infectionlipreading infectionspreadingspreading through tho entire colored coloredVward coloredward coloredswardsward ward but this has subsided and confi conflidence confiIence confidenceidence Ience fliospital authorities and the Health De Dejpartmcnt Deipartment DeDjpartmcnt D artment to stamp out tho disease be boAs bejoreIf jore ore It gains any further headway headwayAsAs was as printed In Fridays Times the thevthree thehree thethreethree hree Infected colored women Elizabeth ElizabethBell ElizabethiBell ElizabethBelliBell Bell Alberta Thompson and Susie Frye Fryeawero Fryeiwerejwero awero removed to the smallpox hospital hospitalImmediately hospital11mmedlately hospitallimmediatelyImmediately after the nature of the dis disease dlsI disPease ease I a8e was as discovered discoveredTRIES dlscocrodlWASHINGTON dlscoverodA8llINGTO1lWASHINGTON A8llINGTO1 WOMAN WOMANTRIES WOMANTilESTRIES TO END N HER LIF1Miss UFddissddiss Miss ss Lucy E Pond Formerly Employ Employinin Postoffice Department Will WillBe WillBe Willtrtr Be Arraigned ArraignedNEW ArraignedYORK ArraignedNEWNEW YORK May 5 5Lucy Lucy EPond E EPond EPondPond fiftyfour years old attempted attemptedEulcidosuicide in tho Homo for FriendlesWomen Friendless FriendlessWomenWomen and Children in Concord street streett streetbyt by b turning on the gas Tho gas w wflowing was wasflowingflowing from both Jets when she tvaifoundfound unconscious in bedThe bed bedTho bedTheThe woman is a a graduate nurso o oBollovue oBellovueBollovue Hospital and had been em employed employed employedployed in the postofflco J > ostoffico order depart depaVtmont c1epntm departmeatmont m nt in Washington D C A numbeof numbe numbeof numbeorof cards were found in her possessioshowing possession possessionshowing possessionshowIng nshowing that sho had also been a mas masBOUSQ masseuso masseusoseuso A number of pawn tickets w walso waialsoalso among her effects Indicating thaduring thaduringduring the last few days she ha hapawned baC baCpaw1ed baDawned ec1alty and S100 S100EDWXZT 100Thomas Heely PETST PE y fc B TAPT 60S 60613th 13th St N W WResidence 0 EDWIN K ETZ712 11th St N W VTCarriage Residence phone 2J 479 W Business Businstsphone n 1005 G N W WParasols Wphone Wphonephone Slain 4986 4986Flowers 986 986CarriageCarriage Builders BuildersCABSIAQE Flowers and Plants PlantsBeautiful Parasols ParasolsDAIirrX ParasolsCAE1tIAGEDAINTY DRESSY PARASOLS PAEASOliSto PARASOLSBeautiful PARASOLSa PARASOLSaBeautUulCABSIAQE WORN OUT OUTBrinsBeautiful Spring Flowers CarnationsBring Carnations Carnationsfuneral C rI1at1ons rI1at1onsBringto o match y year ur Spring Suit Something new newin newFlne newFineBring It here Well put It in good shape shapeFine funeral Designs DesignsOur Delhsi sin all shadesJr shadesOur shades shadesSIFine carriages repaired In a faultless mannerOur able decorators are at your ur service servicelieyB servicez2 Mc McSEXUOMJS tEYNOLDS SO SONS If 3 Lays nower Store Storo722 722 9th St S N W WFlume SI A GRISWOLDStreet gorthwast gorthwastPhotography XorthweBtCatering NorthweatCatering1423 to 1427 1427L St ZT N W VTCatering Phone Main 4158 4158Jeweler 411 EleventhCatering CateringPaone Jeweler eweler and and Optician OpticianW Photography PhotographyTHE Photora P hy hyPhonePhone 2o To Your xour Order OrderPhono THE airearer PHOTO STUDIOS STUDIOSJJ STUDIOSWW S TAPPAN 602 9tH St K WWedding W WnnestWedding Cakes CalcesFancy 459 and 8J1d99 939 Pa P Ave N WFancy WFancy W WS7EFIn Finest quality Cut Glass G at low aw prices pricesVatches prt =JJ Fancy WE AXE ra OPEN OPE TODAY ODoIce Creams Creamsf Watches and Jewelry to go with the theEaster theFamily theFamilFamil Easter Suit SuitUse 30 Ping Pangs Pongsc 25c 6 I > Postal Card Photos Photosalso Photl Photosespecially > s sespeciallyf Family trade tradeespecially SOc SOcWot SO SOPhone 50cDpespecially also nicely mounted Cabinet Photograph


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